At Compass Physical Therapy we’re committed to learning the most recent evidence-based trends to best serve our clients. We are excited to have our entire staff recently become certified in Selective Functional Movement Assessment Levels 1 and 2. The SFMA evaluation system further equips our already talented therapists to identify dysfunctional movement patterns and help their clients improve function, shorten recovery time, and prevent future injury.
The system works well for both those who are experiencing pain or injury and those looking to increase activity while preventing injuries.
SFMA is particularly helpful if you are:
Starting a new exercise routine or ramping up to a new fitness goal
Training for a sport or beginning a new sport
Participating in sports that require rotation such as golf, baseball, pickle ball
Experiencing a flare up of old or previously treated injuries
If you are curious how SFMA can help with your pain and function, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.
Special thanks to Kelsea Weber, DPT, for demonstrating just a few of the new SFMA assessment tools in the CompassPT Crew toolbox and to Tom Pietrowski, PT, and Jill Stephenson, DPT, for contributing the content.
Half kneeling or “lunging” is a functional position that can reveal underlying core and hip weakness.
An “overhead carry” uses the whole core and helps assess coordination of the whole body.
A squat involves almost every joint in our body and helps zero in on problem areas—it’s easier than it looks!
The green external band gives feedback to improve single leg deadlift form that will carryover into standard deadlifts.