What We Treat
For pain or dysfunctions not listed below, please ask our Physical Therapists to explore your treatment possibilities.
Private treatment rooms enhance the calming effects of Craniosacral techniques to unlock chronic pain patterns.
Head and Spine Dysfunction:
Whiplash-Associated Disorders
Neck & Back Pain
Post-Surgical Discectomy & Fusions
Hands on techniques help improve mobility and create room for strengthening.
Shoulders and Arms:
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis/Repairs
Shoulder Replacement Rehabilitation
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Fractures and Sprains
Joint mobilizations restore mobility and function.
Hips, Legs and Feet:
Hip, Knee and Ankle Pain
Post-Operative Joint Replacement
Sports/Running Injuries
Plantar Fasciitis
Fusions and Reconstructions
Visceral manipulation can address underlying causes of pain.
Abdominal Pain & Discomfort:
Muscle Strain
Digestion/Elimination Problems
Endometriosis Pain
Postpartum Pain and Weakness
Post-Operative Pain/Scarring
Hernia Pain
Gastric Surgery Discomfort
We also Excel at treating these Specialized Services:
Frenzel lenses are one tool that helps Compass PT therapists determine the cause of your dizziness.
The right PT prescribed exercises can improve your balance and vertigo.
Vestibular Rehabilitation for
Dizziness, Balance and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
There can be a number of causes for your dizziness or balance difficulties. With the help of your doctor, we can determine if you are experiencing vertigo (spinning dizziness) or other balance problems. Based upon our findings, we will either:
Perform specific positioning techniques, such as an Epley maneuver, to eliminate your BPPV or
Design a personalized exercise program to help alleviate your dizziness and improve your balance.
With our extensive knowledge and experience in vestibular and balance rehabilitation the staff at Compass Physical Therapy is uniquely positioned to help you recover from concussions. We work closely with your doctor, neurologist, vision therapist and counselors to ensure you have all you need to return to health.
Additional Services
Slow motion video shows foot strike patterns, cadence and more.
Running Assessments:
70% of all runners experience pain or injury as they increase their mileage. We will assess your running form, foot strike pattern, cadence and footwear. If interested, we can give you tools and exercises to work on alternative techniques. We will also complete a comprehensive structural evaluation, and give you exercises to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight areas, as these imbalances often lead to breakdown and pain.
Ask your therapist about tips for your work and play stations in the office and at home.
Ergonomic Assessments:
Ongoing neck, shoulder and upper extremity pain can often be the result of a poor fit with workstation or entertainment setup. This is often the reason for lack of progress in treatment. We will instruct you how to properly set up your work and home office, television viewing and even reading area to prevent muscular strain and poor postural habits.
When should I see a PT?