Founders Tom & Rhonda Pietrowski
Compass Physical Therapy LLC, Bend, Oregon
Rhonda Pietrowski and Tom Pietrowski, PT
"My mother frequently likes to remind me how much I liked puzzles while growing up. Twenty-nine years ago, I brought this same interest to my first job in the physical therapy clinic, where I continually found myself driven to figure out why some patients recovered from their injuries, while others did not.
Over the next three decades, this “puzzle” has led me on a career-long pursuit of continuing education, exploring both the tried and true (in today’s lingo, evidence-based) and, at times, more eclectic approaches. Gradually I came to develop a large toolkit of treatment concepts that allow me to apply different techniques based upon an individual patient’s needs. These are the same qualities we look for in all of Compass Physical Therapy’s staff.
Building Our Team on These Values
Looking back to that first job, I realized that we were treating all patients the same way and expecting the same results, when in reality every patient brings his or her unique self and puzzle to our clinic. Often these puzzles can only be unraveled by taking time to understand what brought them about in the first place AND what a patient is doing to perpetuate the problem. By offering a clinical model where we still spend 45-60 minutes of one-on-one time with each patient, together we can explore the entirety of the issue, resulting in more patients achieving pain relief and an understanding of what to do to stay out of trouble.
What drives this commitment to our patients is the desire to treat each person the way we would want one of our family members to be treated.
Born and raised in the Midwest, my wife, Rhonda, and I bring the values of integrity, hard work and commitment to Compass Physical Therapy LLC. When patients return to us time and again for new issues, we know we are fulfilling our mission of earning their trust and providing a service they deem to be valuable. This is even more critical today with the ever-rising cost of healthcare.
Tom Pietrowski, PT – Owner of Compass Physical Therapy, an Oregon LLC.