"The light shines
in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."
December can often be a mixed bag of disappointment and joy, stress and celebration. With all that has happened, we feel especially compelled this year to encourage you to focus on what is good, what went right and where you are headed. We like to call our successes Compass Kudos and we’re often surprised to find how many there are when we slow down and count our blessings. We’ve put together a small thread of silver linings to help get you started:
We didn’t let COVID stop our plans to expand our team and create some space for more sane schedules. Instead we learned how to Zoom and ended up with two great hires: Jill Stephenson, PT, DPT, and Sirpa Carver, Patient Care Coordinator, to round out our dynamic team.
We attended our first All Team Training through a Functional Movement System online course, allowing all of our PTs to become certified in Selective Functional Movement Assessments. We are excited to share this comprehensive tool with you in the upcoming months.
We had time to finally create our E-Newsletter and begin sharing more education via social media—Follow our blog and like us on Facebook and Instagram.
We are close to fully using our Reach program, an online tool to share helpful information for your rehab—Watch for it in your email soon.
Most importantly for us, though, we are excited that our Compass Crew has been able to grow, adapt and continue to provide the highest quality of care in personal one-on-one, 45-60 minutes sessions. We are thrilled to continue to receive comments like these from some of our toughest cases:
Compass Physical Therapy really cares about their clients and helps you feel welcome. They won't give up on helping you get better.
Jill is amazing! I was impressed by her vast knowledge of physical therapy. I have been to many PT's in the past and no one was as thorough as Jill. She really takes the time to understand what is going on and narrows the issues down and properly provides the right exercises and therapy treatments. Amazing!
Kelsea has been fantastic. I had been going elsewhere for my hip and she is professional, thoughtful and excellent at helping me get better.
I've really enjoyed working with Kelsea and Nancy... Both are friendly, professional and have been so helpful with my chronic neck pain.
Mychal uses a whole body approach to determine the best treatment for recovery from injury. Her insights are amazing and effective.
In 20 minutes Tom alleviated lifelong pain and imbalance; something that no other PT or doctor have ever been able to accomplish. He is intuitive and knowledgeable. He practices hands-on therapy similar to Rolfing and his bedside manner is delightful. I am referring all of my friends!
Being a smaller facility, I feel like I get a more customized treatment plan. It's clean, safe, friendly and professional.
The entire team at Compass gives a darn all the time, thank you.
May you continue to string together your pearls of wisdom and pass them along so that you, your family, friends and community can end this year in the best light possible.
For more encouragement, check out our November Reflections of Gratitude issue and watch for these topics and more throughout December:
Kelsea’s Winter Tips
Resolutions Kept
May your holidays be filled with peace and joy!
The CompassPT Crew