The recognition and diagnosis of concussions has improved dramatically as both the public and the medical sector have become more educated on this complex injury. As part of her professional education and to further build a multidisciplinary approach, Compass Physical Therapy’s Nancy Hartung, BS, PTA, attended a community presentation regarding current trends in concussion treatment at Pangea Chiropractic in September.
“This discussion confirmed much of our experience at Compass Physical Therapy in working with our concussion patients,” reported Nancy. The key issues that were addressed included:
The importance of emphasizing that a concussion is a traumatic brain injury, hence they are more frequently being referred to as TBIs instead of concussions.
TBIs frequently do not involve a blow to the head and are commonly seen in auto accidents (MVAs) involving whiplash and other spinal injuries.
Conversely, brain injuries resulting from concussion are almost never without an accompanying neck injury (often involving whiplash) and require skilled physical therapy.
A multi-therapeutic approach toward recovery has the best outcomes. Several Central Oregon clinics and practitioners, including Compass Physical Therapy, are working collaboratively to establish protocols for a multidisciplinary approach, directing patients to appropriate combined services based on individual symptoms and needs.
If you or someone you know has suffered a TBI and you are not recovering as well or as fully as you would like, Tom Pietrowski, PT, may be able to help you navigate the complex world of TBI recovery. Contact us for free consultation today 541-728-0974
Therapists Tom and Nancy discuss common findings of dizziness and balance issues associated with TBIs.